It was 05:04, the sun rose over the Ayodhya kingdom. As if on cue, everybody took turns to take a dip in the waters of the mighty Sarayu River.

A Myth of Two Souls - Vasantha Yogananthan

‘A Myth of Two Souls’ is inspired by the epic tale The Ramayana. Drawing inspiration from the imagery associated with this myth and its pervasiveness in everyday Indian life, Vasantha Yogananthan is retracing the legendary route from north to south India.

Through classic colour, hand-painted and illustrated photography, this longterm  project interweaves fictional and historical stories with a narration that takes viewers on an epic journey. 
’A Myth of Two Souls’ will be published in seven photobooks between 2016–2019, one per chapter of the tale.

K&H developed an overarching visual identity for the entire project and is responsible for the editorial and graphic design of each of the individual seven publications of the project as well as all accompanying materials.

A Myth of Two Souls
Vasantha Yogananthan

Year: 2016 – 2019

Photography: Vasantha Yogananthan
Hand-painted photographs: Vasantha Yogananthan and Jaykumar Shankar
Illustrated photographs: Vasantha Yogananthan and Mahalaxmi & Shantanu Das
Texts: Anjali Raghbeer, Arshia Sattar
Illustrations: Mahalaxmi & Shantanu Das

Visual Identity, editoral and graphic design: Kummer & Herrman

Publisher: Chose Commune


2019 Book Awards, Rencontre D’Arles,
‘Dandaka’ winner Photo Text Book Award

2018 Book Awards, Rencontre D’Arles, ‘Exile’ shortlisted
2017 Book Awards, Rencontre D’Arles, ‘The Promise’ shortlisted
2016 Book Awards, Rencontre D’Arles, ‘Early Times’ shortlisted