Exactly when was Magnum founded? Most accounts tell us it happened in spring 1947, over lunch at the restaurant in New York's Museum of Modern Art.

Magnum Manifesto - Thames & Hudson

The official publication celebrating Magnum Photos’ 70th anniversary: a totally fresh and perceptive view of the legendary agency’s history and archive. Editors Clément Chéroux and Clara Bouveresse demonstrate how Magnum Photos owes its pre-eminence to the ability of its photographers to encompass and navigate the points between photography as art object and photography as documentary evidence. Featuring both group and individual projects, the book includes contact sheets, notebooks, magazine spreads and other previously unseen material to accompany the photographs. ‘Magnum Manifesto’ is organized into three main parts:

Part 1: Human Rights and Wrongs (1947–1968) views the Magnum archive through a humanist lens, focusing on post-war ideals of commonality and utopianism.

Part 2: An Inventory of Differences (1969–1989) shows a world fragmenting, with a focus on subcultures, minorities and outsiders.

Part 3: Stories About Endings (1990–present day) charts the ways in which Magnum photographers have captured – and continue to capture – a world in flux and under threat.

Magnum Manifesto
Official publication celebrating Magnum Photos’ 70th anniversary

Client: Thames & Hudson, Magnum Photos
Year: 2017

Editors: Clément Chéroux, Clara Bouveresse
Publisher: Thames & Hudson

Editorial and graphic design: Kummer & Herrman
Production: Thames & Hudson


Prix du Livre, Rencontre D’Arles 2018 (shortlisted)